Monday, July 9, 2007

It never fails. It is just my luck. I tend to drop into a series mid series. I never seem to start with the first book but always with the second or third. In this case, this was a good thing. In I Thirst For You, Sizemore builds a great hero in Marcus. Jo is also very enjoyable, But Marcus, his need and nobility make the book. Her character building even overcame her silly twist with the lab.

It also brought a new character to the series Collen, whose book introduced us to Laurent - one of my favorites. And because I did come in mid series. I got to go back buy all the books and start at the beginning. Which is nice, not having to wait on authors and publishing houses to put out the next story.

Marcus is running neck and neck with Laurent on my favorite hero in this series. What do you think?

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